Tuesday 27 November 2012

Ain't No Shame - Walk

Had to put these chaps up as they are fucking excellent live!

Saw them a few weeks back at the Islington Mill supporting another excellent band called Louis Barabbas and the Bedlam Six.

But if you like yer blues minimal with kicking guitar riffage then look no further than 2 maestros from Manchester...

walk - aint no shame writing session from walk on Vimeo.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

"From the depths of despair to the great heights of hope"

I didn't realise how important American politics was to me until I woke up this morning and rushed to find out the election results. The very thought of Romney becoming the most powerful man in the world brought me out in a cold sweat at 5 am. It is fantastic that Obama has another chance to carry on his hard work in one of the most difficult circumstances of any politician of any era of history. This man is special. He is the  best public speaker I have ever heard, with only maybe Martin Luther King to give him a run for his money. He seems genuine and I really think that he has a strong and true message. He can breathe some much needed liberal breath into a fundamentally segregated society. Speaking of segregated societies, try listening to a David Cameron speech directly after an Obama one. It really is the depths of despair, to the great heights of hope.

Sunday 26 August 2012

Drop Art

Just at the Drop Art night in the Northern Quarter, 2022nq to be precise. Dale St, Manchester. Get Down!!! Drop Art are on at midnight. Drop Art are the Zband previously known as Nolife. Thr ace!!!

Saturday 18 August 2012

Polica - Dark Star

Ste put me onto these guys last week when we were rehearsing some of our new stuff. Really good.

If you're interested and you're in Manchester (England) then they're playing Sound Control, New Wakefield Street on 3rd November 2012. I'll be there.

All the best and big up to everyone I know!


Tuesday 5 June 2012

To Col n Elle with Love

Composed by Ste over 5 days, here we have a 'Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue' music mix that is to celebrate Col n Elle's joyous union yesterday. Let the good times roll cheddar. Hope you like it, we love you. xxx

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Dear reader

Its an exciting time for music. That’s a broad statement I know, but it’s not one for discussion. Im sick of hearing, “Oh there’s not the musical talent there used to be”, or “There’s no true rock’n’rollers anymore” or what about, “People can’t sing anymore”…… Oh get a grip! How can anyone be arrogant enough to feel that music stopped with his or her generation? It’s beyond belief.

 If your one of those people and your reading this now just wait a minute, I’m not trying to p*^s anyone off here, let’s just take a minute. If you’re spewing profanities at these written words attempting to reinforce your point to any nearby peers just hold on, this article is actually for you.

 Remember when “your” music was in its prime? What was it you liked? By the admission of sheer quantity alone I can guarantee that the type of music you like(d) is still breeding somewhere, somehow. At times I feel we should ask ourselves ‘do I really love music? Or do I just feel old or depressed and relate good music to the good times I was having when I first heard a certain band?’ Well? Look, music gave you that moment and it could give it you again. You just need to take a little time to re-discover and research your passion and the good times will come rolling back.

 Right now, there has never been so much music, and I know, this can seem intimidating. You couldn’t possibly keep up with everything. So don’t. No one can. The law of averages dictates that there will be a lot of s*^t out there but by the same principle there is more good music than ever. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I think everyone should love music, young, old, fat, thin, Black, Asian whatever man, music is music. It gives us pleasure, brings people together and despite what you may believe, your brand of music will live on with or without you, don’t miss out.

 The chances are you may have out grown your musical past; maybe it’s time to refresh your ears? If you wouldn’t know where to start try this: Fire up the Internet. The best way to discover new and interesting music is to ask the right people. Find out what music different DJ’s are representing, if it’s to your taste make a little time to have a listen next week. If it’s new music you want then let the professionals show you to the light.

On the flip side, if you’re looking to recreate the feeling you had when you moshed out to Pearl Jam in ’92 then maybe it’s not the music your seeking, it’s the fountain of youth mate. I’m not saying you can’t find that feeling again but maybe you’re gonna have to try a different angle now.

Anyway, if you’re a Gadabouts fan I doubt very much you have this problem, our music is not (yet) best known and you must be a real explorer if you’ve clashed your spade on the lid of our chest, but if you’ve just stumbled across this piece I hope it inspires you.

Its best to look forward, enjoy the haven that is music, let go of what has been and take hold of what’s now. Music lives on, it evolves, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t. Pssssst, pass it on.

 Ste Gadabout x


Thursday 10 May 2012

The Gadabouts: Potential lost

I am reading a book by J.G Ballard at the moment. It’s called Empire of the Sun – There has been a Hollywood film made of it but I have not seen that.  This book has affected me a great deal. It is beautiful and horrific and ultimately fascinating book about war.  I do not always feel the need to be up beat and positive all of the time. It is ok to think about sad things, it is ok to be disturbed by something. There is a time and a place for different emotions. It is how we deal with life and come to realistic terms with our own existence.  Hence, this blog is about loss.

What I have not been able to get out of my head this week is the frustrated thoughts of potential lost.  We cannot choose what life or era we are born into and some of us are unfortunately born into a time or place that stifles, freedom of creativity, expression, and, well, life.  I have the imagined faces of the creative, adventurous and supremely educated characters JG Ballard describes as wasting away in Shanghai war camps branded onto the inside of my eyelids.  So much potential lost and starved. What would these people have done; achieved; brought to the world if they had been dealt a different hand? 

Just before you slit your wrists, it is going somewhere...

These thoughts have since developed into a consideration of the concept of luck and chance in life, and right now I feel bloody lucky.  Despite not being a world famous music producer (yet), I am in the extremely fortunate position of being amongst like minded people who I can express myself creatively with, and more importantly, we have the freedom to actually do it.  Just need to keep reminding myself of this every time the music business does my freakin' nut in.

Piss and love.

Col x